If you’ve ever had a popover fresh out of the oven, you’ll quickly realize that this is something you need to master in your own kitchen & indulge in as frequently as your pants will allow. I remember trying to make popovers when I was little. Sadly, each experiment was a bust and the dense eggy popless discs left a mental scar on my psyche. I ditched the popover arena and returned to the skill set I knew I could rely on for better results, and didn’t attempt to make popovers again until recently.
Here’s the scoop: popovers are one of the easiest things to make. All you need is a muffin tin, five basic ingredients (eggs, milk, butter, flour & salt) and a really really hot oven.
Eddie’s grandparents hail from Mt. Desert Island in Maine. Set next to Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island is an amazing place to visit each summer. My favorite part is going to Jordan Pond House for popovers and tea. It’s an institution in our house, a requirement for each visit to Maine. Believe it or not, Jordan Pond House has been serving popovers and tea since the 1890’s. The experience of sitting outside in a beautiful garden under the shade of huge tree & eating fresh popovers can only be topped by the delight you will feel when you force nicely ask your family to look into the oven to see how much the popovers have grown.
Here’s the recipe I recommend using for making popovers in your own home. It’s from King Arthur Flour and it’s perfect.
I know that consuming black eyed peas as part of the first meal of a new year is supposed to bring good luck & prosperity. I decided to roll the dice this year and opted for popovers & blueberry jam instead of the peas. Here’s to starting a tasty new tradition!
Popovers seem to be one of those treats that are filled with good stories and memories. Do you have any popover stories to share? I’d love to hear them!
Enjoy & Happy New Year!