Welcome True West!

True West Grand Opening
True West Grand Opening


The area we live in is small and relatively unexciting. The weekly police log sums it up nicely by noting the mailbox that was knocked over, the dog that was lost, and the occasional arrest. This week, however, was different, because True West, a kick-ass brewery/restaurant opened up in West Acton. Everyone needs to check out this restaurant, if only to look at the construction feat that the owners went through to install everything required to brew beer. In classic Massachusetts style, the grand opening on Wednesday included the Minute Men soldiers, drums, rifles and gun smoke. This shot was taken by my husband who happens to be the proud owner of a drone and who can take aerial shots of exciting events in our town.

I was at the soft opening of True West last week, and loved everything about the restaurant. The beer wasn’t ready yet, so I managed to sip on a vodka tonic with lime while I admired the architecture and the delicious flat bread pizzas.

Congratulations everyone at True West, welcome, and THANK YOU for picking ACTON for your newest venture!


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Owner, Baker,
& Storyteller

You know that friend who has it all together? Yeah. That’s not me. What I can offer you instead are my experiences, insights, and passions. Pithy observations about making cookies. Wry commentary on running a business. Loving (if slightly sarcastic) parenting advice. And if that doesn’t interest you, I have dogs. Cute ones.

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